
The path to greater inclusion, independence and contribution within your community!

College for life students raise their hand to answer the professor's question

JWCC enriches lives through learning by providing accessible educational opportunities and services at an exceptional value. 终身大学 (CFL) extends that mission to students with intellectual or developmental disabilities, allowing JWCC to better reach the community as a whole.

Three easy steps to enroll for the 终身大学 program

  1. 提交 在线申请.
  2. 联系 your high school to request a copy of your transcript sent to JWCC 招生.
  3. 找到你最近的IEP.

After completion of these steps, the CFL Coordinator will contact you to schedule an appointment.

问题? 联系 the CFL Coordinator Julie Quinn at 217.641.4340 or 通过电子邮件.


终身大学 is for students 18 years of age and older who:

  • Have an intellectual or developmental disability (IDD), or similar learning challenge.
  • Want to continue their education beyond high school.
  • 想上非学分课程.
  • 想成为校园生活的一部分.

Students who are ages 18-21 and still receiving special education services are encouraged to consider 终身大学. CFL can be a part of an effective IEP Transition Plan. Dual-enrolled students can continue receiving special education services from their school district while attending CFL. The CFL Coordinator is available to talk to parents and educators interested in this option.



  • 往返校园的交通.
  • 午餐. (Like any other student – bring your own, buy on campus, go out with a friend.)
  • 游览校园. (No supervision will be provided outside of the classroom.)
  • 自我保健的需要.
  • Following the College Code of Conduct. (Do not be a danger to yourself or others. 不妨碍学习吗.)
  • 支付学费.


“We never dreamt that a program like this would ever be available for Nick. Nick has a completely different attitude going to JWCC than he did in high school. He has a great attitude at home and talks non-stop after being picked up both days. 我们很惊讶,也很感激! Nick is so very fond of all of his instructors. We have never experienced the excitement that Nick has when he comes home. The last 2 weeks have been such a pleasant surprise.”


Two CFL students drawing their names, Jenna and Summer, in art class

终身大学 courses are non-credit and include a variety of topics to prepare students for a fulfilling adult life in their communities.

Classes meet twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:00 AM to 2:50 PM each 16-week semester (August – December;  January – May). 每节课50分钟. CFL follows the JWCC academic calendar.

A Learning Coach or volunteers may be available in classes to assist students. 教练s will consider diverse learners when choosing information and activities for the courses.


B021妇女二世贝基福克斯T / Th9-9:50 AM$250
B022 /黑洞劳动力准备II** 类全Chryssia头脑T / Th9-10:50 AM$375
B021健康的关系泰米纳皮尔T / Th10-10:50 AM$250
B022儿童发展贝基福克斯T / Th10-10:50 AM$250
D115数学游戏贝基福克斯T / Th11-11:50 AM$250
D159烹饪泰米纳皮尔T / Th11-11:50 AM$250
D152绘画艺术泰米纳皮尔T / Th1-1:50 PM$250
囊G112 *有趣的 & 健身Chryssia头脑T / Th1-1:50 PM$250
B133(库)短篇小说 & 图书(文献)泰米纳皮尔T / Th2-2:50 PM$250
D129园艺贝基福克斯T / Th2-2:50 PM$250

*乐趣 & 健身 may also be held on the field north of SAC, 在健身房, 或者在篮球场上, 依赖于活动.

**劳动力 Prep II meets at John Wood weeks 1-8, and at Blessing Hospital weeks 9-16 for job shadowing.

成本 & 奖学金

每门课程的学费是250美元. Some courses may also have supply fees which are typically $25 – $50 per course.

Need-based scholarships are available through the JWCC Foundation:

杰夫·伯吉斯CFL奖学金 – The family and friends of Jeff Burgess established an endowed fund in his memory to provide an annual Jeff Burgess Scholarship to a student in the 终身大学 Program, as well as direct support to the CFL Program. Jeff had a talent for giving practical and wise advice, and he fit the description of life coach very well. This scholarship is awarded to a student participating in the CFL Program.

CFL学费奖学金 – The CFL学费奖学金 is funded through the generosity of many private and public donations. 家庭成员, friends and organizations connected to our students continue to provide for their ongoing educational experience.


终身大学 tuition cannot be covered by federal or state financial aid (e.g. PELL, MAP,大学勤工俭学). However, ABLE account funds may be used for education expenses.  Families and students are encouraged to reach out to civic and faith-based organizations to inquire about new scholarship possibilities.

终身大学 student proudly smiles at his artwork

Interested in supporting the 终身大学 program and our students? You can donate through the JWCC Foundation! 在网上捐赠时, please select “other programs/projects” and indicate you are giving to 终身大学.


For more information on establishing a scholarship, 请联系JWCC基金会.

终身大学 students join JWCC chorus for a Christmas song
终身大学 students posing with pickleball coach
终身大学 student receives football directions